Privacy Policy fully understands that you care how the information will be collected and used. We are committed to protect your privacy at any time you visit or communicate with our site. We will never sell or trade your personal information with any third party. This Privacy Policy specifies what information we will collect and how we use it.

1. Identifiable Personal Information

By saying “personal information”, we mean: name, billing address, shipping address, email, and telephone number. We collect and store your personal information for two main purposes. One is to process and ship your order, send order confirmations, shipping confirmations and shipping information updates. The other one purpose is to identify you as a particular individual so that we can offer you customized customer service and promotion updates.

2. Non Personal Information

In addition to personal information, we collect information about your visits and use, including IP address, browser information, and reference site domain name to understand how our customers and visitors use This type of information will not identify you as a specific individual.

3. Cookie

Cookies are small information files sent to your computer and stored on your hard device. Cookies help you use and other websites easily by memorizing the information like the pages you view, your stored website account, etc. You can change the settings on your browser to prevent cookies being stored on your computer and can also clear the cookies already stored.

4. Other Information

We may also collect the IP address through which you access the Internet to use It is not personal information but helps us figure out visitors’ patterns of site using, like your siting visiting frequency, which in turn, can help us provide better customized service.

5. Policy Change

Please note that this policy constitutes an integral part of the website terms and we two parties are involved in the agreement. We have the right to amend this policy from time to time. Any change of this policy will cause the content change of this website immediately. We will inform you the change at our homepage, or e-mail (if you provide us with your e-mail). In any case, if you continue to use this site after the change, you will be deemed to agree to such changes. If you do not agree to the terms of this policy and modifications in whole or in part, please discontinue use of the site.